시험에 꼭 나오는 Idioms (관용적 표현들)

1) access to: ~에 접근하다 (2001 3)

The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy access to the required information.

2) according to: ~의하면According to John they're not getting on very well at the moment.

3) account for (explain): 설명하다

Can you account for your absence last Friday?

4) add to: ~를 더하다

Have you anything to add to your earlier statement?

5) advocate for: ~을 옹호하다

Dr. Smith has long been a practicing pediatrician and an advocate for children's right.

6) ahead of time: 시간 전에 (2000 4)

Let's meet for lunch. I'll call you ahead of time (=in advance) to fix a time and a place.

7) ahead of: ~ 보다 앞서

I'm on the waiting list for a ticket, but there are ten people ahead of me.

8) aim at: ~을 겨냥하다

The government's campaign is aimed at influencing public opinion.

9) approve of: 승인 하다 (2000 10)

My mother doesn't approve of my brother's friends.

10) arranged for: ~을 정하다

The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.

11) aside from: ~은 제외하고 (2000 5, 2001 5)

I hardly watch any television, aside from news and current affairs.

12) at one's expense: ~의 비용으로 (1999 9)

I treated my friend at my expense.

13) at random: 무작위로, 함부로

The librarian took a book at random from the shelf.

14) at stake: 위기에 처한

Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.

15) at the price (expense) of: ~ 의 비용으로

I declined to have dinner at the price of my friends and insisted on treating them instead.

16) at the rate of: ~ 의 비율로

The car was going at the rate of 40 miles an hour.

17) at the risk of: 위험을 무릅쓰고

He rescued the dog at the risk of his own life.

18) attribute A to B: ~의 탓으로 돌리다

The doctors have attributed the cause of the illness to an unknown virus.

19) be absorbed in: ~에 몰두하다

John was absorbed in his thoughts.

20) be accustomed to + 명사: ~에 익숙해지다

I'm not accustomed tobeing treated like this.

21) be acquainted with: ~를 잘 아는

Students who are already acquainted with one foreign language tend to find it easier to learn a new one.

22) be apt to: ~ 하기 쉽다

The kitchen roof is apt to leak when it rains.

23) be ashamed of: ~을 부끄럽게 여기다

Oliver Twist was not ashamed ofasking for more food.

24) be available to: ~이 입수 가능한

It is vital that food is made available to the famine areas.

25) be based on: ~에 근거를 두다

The film is based on a short story by John Smith.

26) be bound to: 반드시 ~ 하다

He's bound to fail the exam if he doesn't do any revision.It was bound to happen sooner or later.

27) be capable of ~ ing: ~할 수 있다 (2000 10)

A force 10 wind is capable of blowing the roofs off houses.

28) be capable of: ~ 할 능력이 있다

Some airplanes are capable of going 1000 miles an hour.

29) be comparable to: ~에 필적할 만한

A cave is not comparable to a house for comfort.

30) be concerned about: ~을 걱정하다

I'm a bit concerned about/for your health.

31) be conscious of: ~을 마음속에 두다 (2001 3 )

I think she's very conscious of being the only person in the office who didn't have a university education.

32) be convicted of: ~을 선고 받다

He has twice been convicted of robbery/theft/arson.

33) be covered with: ~로 덮여 있다

How much of the Earth's surface is covered by/with water?

34) be dependent on: ~에 의존하다

All life is dependent on the sun.

35) be discontent with: ~에 불만이다

The boys are discontented with their present situation.

36) be eager to: ~을 갈망하다

She was very eager to meet you.

37) be eligible for: ~ 할 자격이 있는(1999 3)

Students must pass in all subjects to be eligible for the school team.

38) be eligible to + 동사: ~할 자격이 있다

Are you eligible to vote/enter the competition/claim a refund?

39) be engaged in: ~에 종사하다

The two friends engaged in conversation.

40) be entitled to + 동사 or 명사: ~할 자격이 있다

The one who wins is entitled to first prize.

41) be essential to: ~에 필수적이다

Accounting department is essential to the company organization.

42) be faced with: ~에 직면하다

The company is faced with the difficult situation because of the recession.

43) be familiar with: ~에 익숙한

Mr. Kim was hired because he is familiar with the latest development in genetic engineering.

44) be famous for: ~로 유명한

Korea is famous for semiconductor.

45) be intended for: ~을 위해 준비된 것이다

That gift was intended for you.

46) be interested in: ~에 관심이 있다 (1999 7)

I am interested in collecting stamps and playing sports.

47) be involved in: ~에 수반되다, ~에 말려들다

She was involved in working out a puzzle.

48) be liable to: ~하기 쉽다

That glass is liable to break.

49) be likely to: ~할 가능성이 있다 (1999 5)

It is likely to be hot in August.

50) be made of: ~으로 만들어지다 (2000 9)

This sweater is made of wool.

51) be noted for: ~로 유명한

Samson was noted for his strength.

52) be responsible for: ~에 책임이 있다 (2000 2)

Each pupil is responsible for the care of the books given him.

53) be satisfied with: ~에 만족하다

He was satisfied with the test results.

54) be subject to: ~를 받기 쉬운(2000 4)

Japan is a country subject to earthquakes.

55) be surprised at: ~에 놀라다

I was surprised at the news.

56) be suspicious of: 의심하는

Considering that the defendant had served a two-year prison term for perjury, the judge cannot help but be suspicious of his testimony.

57) be taken by surprise: 기습을 당하다

That he was taken by surprise is true.

58) be willing to + 동사: 기꺼이 ~하다

I am willing to wait until tomorrow.

59) benefit from: 혜택을 받다 (2001 3)

His grades would benefit from more study.

60) beware of: ~를 주의하다

You must beware of swimming in a strong current.

61) by means of: ~에 의해서(1999 3, 2001 3)

I found my lost dog by means of a notice in the paper.

62) call on + 사람: ~를 방문하다

We must call on our new neighbors.

63) call one's attention to: ~에 아무의 주의를 환기시키다(1999 4)

He called my attention to the cat trying to catch the mouse.

64) care for: ~를 돌보다

The nurse will care for him at the hospital.

65) carry out: ~를 수행하다, 성취하다

He carried out his job well.

66) come by: 얻다 (=obtain)

He came by the money honestly.

67) come close to: ~에 미치다, ~에 다다르다

The impressive net income of our company this year does not even come close to the figure of our boom year in 1998 when we hit a record-breaking $12 billion.

68) come down with: 병 따위에 걸리다

He came down with the measles.

69) come in first, second, third: 1등을 하다 (2000 3)

That horse came in first.

70) come into effect: 발효하다, 효력을 발생하다 (1999 9)

The marketing advertisement will come into effect.

71) come to an end: 끝나다

Few Australians expected Ansett Airlines to come to an end the way it did in September 2001, when it simply folded up unannounced on a regular business day.

72) compared to: ~에 비하면

The fins of a fish may be compared to the legs of a dog.

73) compensate for: 보상하다

The company always compensated her for her extra work.

74) comply with: ~을 따르다, ~에 응하다 (2000 8 2001 1)

He complied with the doctor's order to take a rest.

75) concentrate on: ~에 집중하다 (2001 1)

He concentrated on his reading so that he would understand the story.

76) contrary to: ~와 대조적으로

My sister's taste in dresses is contrary to my own.

77) contribute to: ~에 기여하다

Honesty and hard work contribute to success and to happiness.

78) cope with: ~에 대처하다

Computers will help government cope with workloads which are beginning to overwhelm some offices.

79) count on: ~를 의지하다

We count on your help.

80) deal with: 다루다 (2001 3)

The courts deal with those who break the laws.

81) decrease in: ~이 감소하다

There has been a decrease in our sales.

82) demand for: ~을 요구하다

She demands for a bigger allowance.

83) depend on: 의지하다

The success of our picnic will depend partly on the weather.

84) deprive ~ of: 제거하다

The people deprived the cruel king of his power.

85) despite (in spite of) + 명사: ~에도 불구하고

The boys went for a walk despite the rain.

86) difference between: ~간의 차이

The only difference between the twins is that Katy weighs five pounds more than Rebecca.

87) dispense with: ~이 없이 지내다

I shall dispense with these crutches as soon as my leg heals.

88) divide into: ~을 나누다

Business organization can be divided into several different divisions.

89) do without: ~없이 지내다

A month after accepting the resignation of its corporate planning director, the company found that it will be extremely difficult to do without him.

90) do your best (utmost): 최선을 다하다

On behalf of the president, I am asking you to do your best in meeting the sales targets that we have all agreed on in this conference.

91) drag on: 질질 끌다

The events of the day drag themselves on tediously in such a country house.

92) due to: ~ 때문에 (2001 1)

The game was called off due to rain.

93) emphasis on: ~을 강조하다

My high school puts much emphasis on studies that prepare its students for college.

94) expose to: ~에 노출되다

Soldiers in an open field are exposed to the enemy's fire.

95) familiarize ~ with: ~에 익숙하게 하다

Before playing the new game, familiarize yourself with the rules.

96) fill in: 빈칸을 채우다

When you apply for that job, you need to fill in the date of an application.

97) fill out: 양식을 작성하다

Please fill out the application form and send it.

98) for the time being (for the present): 당분간

The baby is asleep for the time being.

99) furnished with: ~을 갖추다

This apartment is furnished with fine furniture.

100) get along with: ~와 잘 지내다

The boss should get along with the employees.

101) get in touch with: ~와 연락하다

I will get in touch with you wherever I go.

102) get through: ~을 통과하다, 합격하다(1999 2)

He told the dealers that their advertising wasn't getting through.

103) give up (surrender, abandon): 포기하다

We gave up the search when it got dark.

104) hold out: 제공하다(1999 1)

Hopes were held out to him that his life would be spared'

105) in (with) regard to: ~에 관하여

The teacher wishes to speak to you with regard to being late.

106) in a row: 연속하여

There are three houses in a row.

107) in accordance with: ~에 따라서

What he did was in accordance with what he said.

108) in addition to: ~뿐만 아니라, ~ 외에도(2000 2)

In addition to her work in the school, our teacher gives music lessons after school hours.

109) in advance: 미리 (2000 7)

I paid for my ticket in advance.

110) in behalf of: ~을 위해서

He worked in behalf of his friend.

111) in charge of: ~을 담당하는, 책임지는

Mr. Smith is in charge of marketing department.

112) in comparison with: ~ 와 비교하여

Even a large lake is small in comparison with an ocean.

113) in conclusion: 결론적으로 (1999 9)

I will say, in conclusion, that it was an honor to be the speaker at this meeting.

114) in honor of: ~에게 존경을 표하다 (2001 1)

The dinner was held in honor of a colleague who was leaving.

115) in reference to: ~에 관하여

All living things must live in reference to their environments.

116) in response to: ~에 응하다

She laughed in response to his jokes.

117) in support of: ~을 지원하여

He spoke in support of the proposal.

118) in terms of: ~의 견지에서

The book is a big success in terms of the interest it aroused.

119) inflict on: ~에 고통을 가하다

A knife can inflict a bad wound on a person.

120) influence on: ~에 영향을 미치다 (2001 1, 2 )

On next week's edition of Europe in Business, John Peterson will host another discussion about the European economy's influence on world trade.

121) instead of: ~대신에 (2000 11)

She watched TV instead of studying for her final exam.

122) interfere with: 방해하다 (2000 7, 2001 5 )

Don't interfere with your brother when he's busy.

123) keep track of: 계산해 두다, 기억하고 있다(1999 6)

The noise made it difficult for me to keep track of what you said.

124) leave out: 빠뜨리다, 빼먹다 (omit)

She left out two words when she read the sentence.

125) make up for: ~를 보충하다(=compensate for) (2000 2)

He reserved direct flight from Los Angeles to Chicago to make up for lost time.

126) named ~ after: ~의 이름을 따서 짖다

The Hudson river is named after the English explorer Henry Hudson.

127) on (in) behalf of: ~를 대신하여, ~을 대신해서

The lawyer spoke convincingly on behalf of his client.

128) on account of: ~때문에 (because of)

The game was put off on account of rain.

129) on the waiting list: 대기자 명단에 (2000)

He put his name on the waiting list.

130) out of order: 고장난

That air conditioner is out of order.

131) out of print: 절판된

This magazine is out of print.

132) participate in: 참가하다 (take part in)

They wanted more direct participation in the solution of steel production problems

133) place an emphasis on: ~에 역점을 두다 (2000)

The president of the company placed a great emphasis on marketing campaign.

134) prior to: ~보다 앞서

An agreement was reached prior to the outbreak of the war.

135) put in for a transfer: 전근을 요청하다

He puts in for a transfer to the sales department.

136) put up with: 참다, 견디다 (2000 5)

Our clients will not put up with mediocre work, so you better prove that your products are truly world-class.

137) raised the question: 의문을 제기하다

The president raised the question concerning the upcoming merger.

138) refer to: ~에 대해 언급하다

Our librarian refers us to many good books.

139) regardless of: ~에 상관없이

The President should run regardless of the state of his health

140) remind A of B: A로 하여금 B가 생각나게 하다

This picture reminds me of a story I heard.

141) request for: ~을 요구하다

Your request for a ticket was made too late.

142) rule out: ~를 제외시키다

He did not rule out a possible camping trip this summer.

143) run (take) a risk of: ~에 위험을 무릅쓰다

In order to win the war we had to take the risk of offending neutral nations.

144) run out of: ~를 다 써버리다

Mother ran out of eggs and had to borrow some from our neighbor.

145) run short: ~이 부족하다

The hunter's supply of food ran short at the end of the long winter.

146) set out: 착수하다

They set out on the hike with plenty of water.

147) set up: 세우다, 설립하다 (establish)

He sold his business and set up a new one.

148) show off: 과시하다 (display)

Most girls like to show off fine clothes.

149) show up: 나타나다 (appear), 참석하다

The golfer showed up one hour late for his match.

150) sign up: ~에 등록하다

The new boy in school has signed up as a member of our club.

151) specialize in: ~을 전문으로 하다

Many students specialize in engineering.

152) stand by: 지지하다 (support)

I delivered a speech to stand by the government policy.

153) stand for: 나타내다 (represent)

What does the abbreviation "St." stand for?

154) stare at: ~을 응시하다 (look at, glance at)

He stared at the pictures for a while.

155) stop by: ~에 잠시 들르다

Mr. Smith stopped by his parents' house on the way home.

156) subscribe to: 구독하다

We subscribe to a few magazines.

157) substitute A for B: A대신 B로 대처하다

We substituted brown sugar for chocolate in these cook!es.

158) succeed in: ~에 성공하다 (2001 1)

Heinz finally succeed in getting herself elected as deputy mayor of Hamburg this year.

159) take ~ for granted: ~을 당연히 여기다

We take for granted the existence of atoms.

160) take advantage of: ~을 잘 이용하다 (1999 8)

Take advantage of your illness to catch up on your reading.

161) take into consideration: ~을 고려하다 (2000 11)

The judge took the boy's age into consideration.

162) take turns: 교대로 하다

They took turns watching the baby.

163) tend to: ~하는 경향이 있다

Farms tend to use more machinery now.

164) throughout the day: 하루종일 (2000)

He worked hard throughout the day.

165) trial and error: 시행 착오

We can learn through trail and error.

167) turn in: 제출하다 (submit, hand in)

The general manager turned in finished proposal to the president.

168) under construction: 건설중인 (2001 5)

The factory is under construction.

169) under new management: 새로운 경영진 아래 (2001 1)

They launched new construction projects under new management.

170) with the exception of: ~을 제외하고

I like all my studies with the exception of economics.

171) work out: 운동을 하다, 결과가 나오다

I saw Barber work out in the gymnasium

출처 : Tong - 바울님의 외국어를 배워볼까통

'영어학습(English Study)' 카테고리의 다른 글

10 Secrets of Success  (0) 2011.05.13
신기한 더하기 문장  (0) 2011.02.10
미국의 휴대폰 문자 메세지 말  (0) 2010.09.07
Imagination: A Power-Tool For Success  (2) 2007.08.22
Tips on Choosing Your Home Business  (2) 2007.06.28

미국의 휴대폰 문자 메세지 말

(SMS TXT Abbreviations / chat slang)


asl?, a/s/l

본래 말

what's your Age, Sex, and Location?


몇 살, 남자/여자, 어디에 살아?


At The Moment

바로 지금


Be Right Back

곧 올께


See You

안녕!(다음 또)


Don't Worry

걱정 마


For Your Information

너한테 알려주는 건데


Get A Life

따분하게 굴지 마

gg, g/g

Gotta Go

가야 되

gtg, g2g

Got To Go, Gotta Go

꼭 가야되


Glad To See You

만나서 방가


a Hug and a Kiss

포옹 및 뽀뽀


Hold On



I Don't Know



In My Opinion

내 생각인데

jk, j/k

Just Kidding

놀리지 마


Just To Let You Know

너한테 알려주는 데


Just Wondering

생각해 보는 거야

k, kk

Okay, alright



Keep In Touch



Okay Thanks



Later (Goodbye)

나중에 또 만나


Laughing Out Loud

큰 소리로 웃으며


Long Time No See



Love Ya Lots!

진짜 사랑해


Love Ya Like A Brother

무지 사랑해


Love Ya Like A Sister

무지 좋아해


No Sh_t!

장난 아닌데


Never Mind



On The Phone



Parents Are Listening

부모님이 듣고 있다 말야


Pardon Me For Jumping In

끼어들어 미안


Parent Over Shoulder

엄마가 보고 있어


Significant Other



Sh_t Out of Luck

재수 없어


Same Sh_t, Different Day

맨날 그래, 전과 같애


What's up? or Wassup? (a greeting)

잘 있어?


See You Soon

빨리 만나자


Talk To You Later

나중에 예기할 께


Welcome Back

돌아와서 고마워


You'll Be Sorry

후회할 걸


You There?

거기 있니?


Best friend forever

영원한 친구야


Out to lunch

점심 식사중


That's all for now

이게 다야


way to go

힘 내

Imagination: A Power-Tool For Success

by: George A. Parker

By divine design, you possess a tremendous power-tool. This tool can make the difference between you achieving unbelievable success or being an unrecognized underachiever. You can use this tool to obtain things you desire or to advance your career. What is this great power-tool and how can you use it to your advantage? Let’s take a look at the gift of imagination.

Your Built-in ‘Movie Theater Technology’

When you were born, your creator endowed you with mental ‘movie theater technology’.

This mysterious technology allows you to show yourself a movie clip of what you want to create or accomplish. This technology also serves as a private workshop within your mind allowing you to create, solve problems, anticipate, navigate and understand the world around you. It enables you to preview and execute the simplest to the most complex plans.

When you create a physical thing, you always do it twice – first in your imagination, then in reality. This two-step process is so natural that you are often unaware of it. Used frequently, skillfully and with purpose, you can direct your imagination to help you create or obtain almost anything. It can also help you to achieve your most cherished goals.

How Does This Mysterious Technology Work?

Everything that you undertake or make starts first in your imagination. You generate real-time ‘movie clips’ of each undertaking. Every book you’ve read, every car you’ve driven, your phone, radio, house, and computer—in fact, every invention made by man—was first created in someone’s mind using this movie theater technology. Look around you at an ordinary room. Man, using his imagination, created every thing you see that was not already created in nature, including the room itself. Many objects in the room represent the culmination of the efforts of several individuals over many years using their imaginations.

If you shave in the morning, you create a ‘movie clip’ beforehand of the steps to get this accomplished. You imagine getting up, walking into the bathroom, turning on the light, running water, picking up the razor and shaving cream, lathering, then shaving. You are able to produce this internal ‘movie clip’ in a nanosecond and then execute it flawlessly in the real world. You are constantly imagining ahead, creating movies of what you will do next. You can think a few minutes, a few weeks or even a few decades ahead. You can also use your imagination to think thousands of years ahead, imagining places, things and creatures that don’t exist. If you’ve ever seen an episode of Star Trek and witnessed the operation of a ‘holodeck’ or transporter system, these are all things that don’t exist anywhere but in the imagination.

Your Power-Tool In Action

You get to decide what you want to create or achieve with your power-tool. If you can visualize what you want in minute detail, this image can serve as a blueprint for carrying out your desires or choices. Here are a couple of the many ways you can use your imagination:

Realizing goals

Let’s say your goal is to acquire a certain car – your ‘dream’ car. You can imagine yourself possessing just the car you want, perhaps a new Volvo. You can imagine the color of that car, the shape, the new interior smell, the tires, the trunk, the radio--- all the features you’d like that car to have. You can also imagine when you would like to obtain the car. The next step is to imagine how you will acquire the car. You could imagine going to work, working diligently, saving ten percent of your salary for three years, and then purchasing the car. Alternatively, you could see yourself taking money from your savings account to make a down payment on the car, and then financing the balance over four years by getting a bank loan. You can visualize yourself on a certain date going to a car dealer, negotiating a price for the car, and then driving the car from the lot.

Once you use your imagination to formulate a plan for acquiring the car, you can break your plan into smaller executable actions to bring the car into your possession. These are the steps you plan to take each day to achieve various parts of your plan. Executing these steps is the next important part of achieving your desire – acquiring your ‘dream’ car. This uniquely human process of creating with our imaginations, formulating strategies and plans, then directing ourselves to take the required actions to bring about our desires has served mankind since our beginning. It has enabled our species to rise above all others, eventually fashioning the lives we live today.

Solving Problems

You can use your imagination to solve problems. Recently, I was driving home from work and caught a glimpse of my cell phone shifting in the passenger seat every time I rounded a corner. In one curve, it finally threw itself into an unreachable corner on the front passenger side. All the way home, I thought of ways to secure the phone. I wanted an easier, more reliable way to access my phone while driving. I also wanted to use a method that wouldn’t interfere with carrying the phone in my coat pocket or briefcase.

Because I’m a bit of a cheapskate, my solution needed to be inexpensive. I imagined devices that would mount delicately on the dashboard with screws, adhesives or even strings. Finally, the solution began to take shape. I imagined using simple, inexpensive Velcro. For around $ 2.00, I could buy a swatch of Velcro and attach it to both my cell phone and dashboard. I could fasten my cell phone to the dashboard when not in use. It also wouldn’t interfere with the way I carry the phone around. I had fashioned an inexpensive and effective solution to my problem. However, the first solution was formulated in my mind using my imagination.

Mastering Your Power-Tool For Results

How do you weld your imagination power-tool to realize maximum results? The key is to learn and practice the steps to effectively harness and direct the power of your imagination. First learn the steps, and then practice them as often as possible to master this great skill. Here are the basics:

Set your goal. Choose something you would like to accomplish, obtain, create or realize. Try to make your choice consistent with what you really value. It’s much easier to imagine things consistent with your beliefs and values.

Make it tangible. Create a clear picture or idea of your desire in your mind. See yourself possessing it. If your goal is abstract, find a way to represent it tangibly. If you want to have career success, define what that means to you. Is it a certain salary, a position at a company, ownership of a company? Quantify your goal or break it down into tangible aspects.

See yourself having and doing the things necessary to obtain your desired result. Paint in as much detail as possible. See it, hear it, feel it, smell it and taste it. This visualization is your imagination ‘movie’.

Focus on it often. Run your movie frequently. Set aside a few quiet minutes each day in the morning, at mid-day and at night to run your movie clip.

Give your movie clip positive energy. Think about it in a positive way. Think and say affirmations – positive statements of your intention to have what you want or to accomplish what you desire.

Make these steps a routine. Applied consistently and regularly, these steps will enable you to master your imagination power-tool. You can use this tool to achieve whole goals or to achieve the individual steps that bring about your goals. Use it liberally.

Successful business executives use their imaginations to perfect their performance. They imagine performing each important aspect of their jobs — speeches, meetings, reports, presentations, and even negotiations. In their minds, they practice what they want to accomplish and they see themselves succeeding. They also imagine achieving their longer-term goals.

While imagination is not the only power-tool for success, it is one of the best. If you are determined and motivated, this tool can often put you over the top in achieving success. Coupled with perseverance, faith, a positive mind-set and a willingness to work hard, skillful use of imagination can give you a competitive advantage and help you rise above the crowd in achieving almost anything.

About The Author

George Parker is a Director and Executive Vice President of Leasing Technologies International, Inc. (“LTI”). He is responsible for overseeing the company’s marketing and financing efforts. One of the co-founders of LTI, Mr. Parker has been involved in secured lending and equipment financing for over twenty years. Mr. Parker is an industry leader, frequent panelist and author of several articles pertaining to equipment financing and personal achievement.

Headquartered in Wilton, CT, LTI is a leasing firm specializing nationally in direct equipment financing and vendor leasing programs for emerging growth and later-stage, venture capital backed companies. More information about LTI is available at: www.ltileasing.com.

Tips on Choosing Your Home Business

You want your own business, maybe

to be financially independent, be your own boss, work at your own time, and maybe, just maybe, retire as a multi-millionaire at the age of 35! But do you know what business you should start?

by Isabel M. Isidro
Managing Editor

You have decided that you want your own business for a variety of reasons: maybe you want to be financially independent, or be your own boss, work at your own time, and maybe, just maybe, retire as a multi-millionaire at the age of 35! But do you know what business you should start?

Selecting the right kind of business is a difficult process for any starting entrepreneur. Many dream of starting their own businesses, but remain frozen in status quo mainly because they do not know what business to engage in. Good ideas seem to be a dime-a-dozen, with newspapers filled with stories of how teens are reaching financial nirvana on very simple business concepts. Unfortunately, the next big business model perfectly eludes you!

Here are ten tips on selecting the home business most suited for you.

1. Instead of choosing the first business that comes to mind, take time to explore various options. Check out other business ideas! Read books providing ideas for possible home-based or small business, and trade magazine articles on trends and market demands. With the phenomenal growth of the Internet, information is now literally at the tip of your fingertips.

2. Find out what type of business appeals to you most. Read our Hard Knock뭩 Guide to Selecting a Business. Determine your goals, interests, wants and capabilities. You can turn your fascination for miniature shoes into a business; or your skill and expertise in designing graphics into a fledging business enterprise. The important thing is that you must enjoy your business. The most successful entrepreneurs feel passionate about what they are doing. You cannot feel passionate (and hence more driven) about your business if you do not like it!

3. Choose a business that will be personally satisfying as well as profitable. While you may have passion for your hobby or craft, always consider its business potentials. Do you think there is a demand for it? Will it bring you recurring income? How saturated is the market? Are there barriers to entry? Will you have economies of scale? Start a business that you think has a solid potential to be profitable. You will need to do a lot of pencil pushing and calculating to determine the financial viability of a business. This will entail analyzing your market and conducting a break-even analysis, a preliminary financial projection that shows you the amount of revenue you'll need to bring in to cover your expenses. It may sound like a lot of hard work, particularly if you뭨e not a financial whiz, but this is one of the important steps in assessing whether the business you뭭e selected can make you money.

4. Think whether you can and want to handle every aspect of the business. When you start your new small business, you may not have the luxury of a full-time staff complement to help out in some aspects of the business. Instead of simply focusing on the strategic direction of the business, you may be required to collect receivables, track expenses, cold call customers, and do thousands of other tasks. Be aware of the other tasks that you have to do in your business.

5. Draw a layout of your intended work area to see how it will fit into its allotted space into your home. Remember, you are starting a business at home to save on overhead costs, so make use of every possible nook and cranny that you can use in your house. If you want to start a cake decorating business, you need to have a large kitchen. Forget about starting a dance instruction class if you live in a studio apartment!

6. Make sure the business meets high safety standards, esp. if you have children at home. This is particularly essential if your business deals and uses chemicals and other harmful substances. For instance, keep all the chemicals used for a carpet or upholstery cleaning business in a safe place in the garage beyond the reach of children.

7. Check with an insurance agent to determine the kind of insurance coverage the business is going to need. It is good planning to determine what insurance is necessary to minimize your risks and protect your business. General categories of insurance include property, licensing, liability, health, disability, workers' compensation, and life insurance.

8. Ensure compliance with zoning laws and ordinances in your area. Visit your city hall or the planning office to see whether zoning regulations would prevent you from selecting a specific location. Carefully note the regulations governing business signs and types of businesses that are allowed at different locations. You do not want the city hall folks to come knocking down at your door asking you to cease operations after you have spent thousands decorating and equipping your business!

9. Select a business whose organizational characteristics are compatible with yourself or your family.You should select a business that fits well with the schedule of your family. If you have a newborn baby in the house and your husband works full time, you should look for a business that would allow you to take care of your baby. Businesses that would compel you to actively seek clients out like a real estate endeavor may not be suited for you at this point.

10. Get your family members involved in the business and have fun together working for its success! Every telecommuter dreams of merging home and office, career and family into a symbiotic blend of harmonious bliss. It is not always easy, but one way will be to involve your family in your home business. During summer, you can ask your kids to help in the packing of your product. Or your teen son can help design your Web site. Your spouse can help in negotiating with your clients. The most important thing, though, is that everyone in your family enjoys working in your business.

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