시험에 꼭 나오는 Idioms (관용적 표현들)
1) access to: ~에 접근하다 (2001년 3월)
The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy access to the required information.
2) according to: ~의하면According to John they're not getting on very well at the moment.
3) account for (explain): 설명하다
Can you account for your absence last Friday?
4) add to: ~를 더하다
Have you anything to add to your earlier statement?
5) advocate for: ~을 옹호하다
Dr. Smith has long been a practicing pediatrician and an advocate for children's right.
6) ahead of time: 시간 전에 (2000년 4월)
Let's meet for lunch. I'll call you ahead of time (=in advance) to fix a time and a place.
7) ahead of: ~ 보다 앞서
I'm on the waiting list for a ticket, but there are ten people ahead of me.
8) aim at: ~을 겨냥하다
The government's campaign is aimed at influencing public opinion.
9) approve of: 승인 하다 (2000년 10월)
My mother doesn't approve of my brother's friends.
10) arranged for: ~을 정하다
The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.
11) aside from: ~은 제외하고 (2000년 5월, 2001 년 5월)
I hardly watch any television, aside from news and current affairs.
12) at one's expense: ~의 비용으로 (1999년 9월)
I treated my friend at my expense.
13) at random: 무작위로, 함부로
The librarian took a book at random from the shelf.
14) at stake: 위기에 처한
Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.
15) at the price (expense) of: ~ 의 비용으로
I declined to have dinner at the price of my friends and insisted on treating them instead.
16) at the rate of: ~ 의 비율로
The car was going at the rate of 40 miles an hour.
17) at the risk of: 위험을 무릅쓰고
He rescued the dog at the risk of his own life.
18) attribute A to B: ~의 탓으로 돌리다
The doctors have attributed the cause of the illness to an unknown virus.
19) be absorbed in: ~에 몰두하다
John was absorbed in his thoughts.
20) be accustomed to + 명사: ~에 익숙해지다
I'm not accustomed tobeing treated like this.
21) be acquainted with: ~를 잘 아는
Students who are already acquainted with one foreign language tend to find it easier to learn a new one.
22) be apt to: ~ 하기 쉽다
The kitchen roof is apt to leak when it rains.
23) be ashamed of: ~을 부끄럽게 여기다
Oliver Twist was not ashamed ofasking for more food.
24) be available to: ~이 입수 가능한
It is vital that food is made available to the famine areas.
25) be based on: ~에 근거를 두다
The film is based on a short story by John Smith.
26) be bound to: 반드시 ~ 하다
He's bound to fail the exam if he doesn't do any revision.It was bound to happen sooner or later.
27) be capable of ~ ing: ~할 수 있다 (2000년 10월)
A force 10 wind is capable of blowing the roofs off houses.
28) be capable of: ~ 할 능력이 있다
Some airplanes are capable of going 1000 miles an hour.
29) be comparable to: ~에 필적할 만한
A cave is not comparable to a house for comfort.
30) be concerned about: ~을 걱정하다
I'm a bit concerned about/for your health.
31) be conscious of: ~을 마음속에 두다 (2001 년 3 월)
I think she's very conscious of being the only person in the office who didn't have a university education.
32) be convicted of: ~을 선고 받다
He has twice been convicted of robbery/theft/arson.
33) be covered with: ~로 덮여 있다
How much of the Earth's surface is covered by/with water?
34) be dependent on: ~에 의존하다
All life is dependent on the sun.
35) be discontent with: ~에 불만이다
The boys are discontented with their present situation.
36) be eager to: ~을 갈망하다
She was very eager to meet you.
37) be eligible for: ~ 할 자격이 있는(1999년 3월)
Students must pass in all subjects to be eligible for the school team.
38) be eligible to + 동사: ~할 자격이 있다
Are you eligible to vote/enter the competition/claim a refund?
39) be engaged in: ~에 종사하다
The two friends engaged in conversation.
40) be entitled to + 동사 or 명사: ~할 자격이 있다
The one who wins is entitled to first prize.
41) be essential to: ~에 필수적이다
Accounting department is essential to the company organization.
42) be faced with: ~에 직면하다
The company is faced with the difficult situation because of the recession.
43) be familiar with: ~에 익숙한
Mr. Kim was hired because he is familiar with the latest development in genetic engineering.
44) be famous for: ~로 유명한
Korea is famous for semiconductor.
45) be intended for: ~을 위해 준비된 것이다
That gift was intended for you.
46) be interested in: ~에 관심이 있다 (1999년 7월)
I am interested in collecting stamps and playing sports.
47) be involved in: ~에 수반되다, ~에 말려들다
She was involved in working out a puzzle.
48) be liable to: ~하기 쉽다
That glass is liable to break.
49) be likely to: ~할 가능성이 있다 (1999년 5월)
It is likely to be hot in August.
50) be made of: ~으로 만들어지다 (2000년 9뤌)
This sweater is made of wool.
51) be noted for: ~로 유명한
Samson was noted for his strength.
52) be responsible for: ~에 책임이 있다 (2000년 2월)
Each pupil is responsible for the care of the books given him.
53) be satisfied with: ~에 만족하다
He was satisfied with the test results.
54) be subject to: ~를 받기 쉬운(2000년 4월)
Japan is a country subject to earthquakes.
55) be surprised at: ~에 놀라다
I was surprised at the news.
56) be suspicious of: 의심하는
Considering that the defendant had served a two-year prison term for perjury, the judge cannot help but be suspicious of his testimony.
57) be taken by surprise: 기습을 당하다
That he was taken by surprise is true.
58) be willing to + 동사: 기꺼이 ~하다
I am willing to wait until tomorrow.
59) benefit from: 혜택을 받다 (2001 년 3월)
His grades would benefit from more study.
60) beware of: ~를 주의하다
You must beware of swimming in a strong current.
61) by means of: ~에 의해서(1999년 3월, 2001 년 3월)
I found my lost dog by means of a notice in the paper.
62) call on + 사람: ~를 방문하다
We must call on our new neighbors.
63) call one's attention to: ~에 아무의 주의를 환기시키다(1999년 4월)
He called my attention to the cat trying to catch the mouse.
64) care for: ~를 돌보다
The nurse will care for him at the hospital.
65) carry out: ~를 수행하다, 성취하다
He carried out his job well.
66) come by: 얻다 (=obtain)
He came by the money honestly.
67) come close to: ~에 미치다, ~에 다다르다
The impressive net income of our company this year does not even come close to the figure of our boom year in 1998 when we hit a record-breaking $12 billion.
68) come down with: 병 따위에 걸리다
He came down with the measles.
69) come in first, second, third: 1등을 하다 (2000년 3월)
That horse came in first.
70) come into effect: 발효하다, 효력을 발생하다 (1999년 9월)
The marketing advertisement will come into effect.
71) come to an end: 끝나다
Few Australians expected Ansett Airlines to come to an end the way it did in September 2001, when it simply folded up unannounced on a regular business day.
72) compared to: ~에 비하면
The fins of a fish may be compared to the legs of a dog.
73) compensate for: 보상하다
The company always compensated her for her extra work.
74) comply with: ~을 따르다, ~에 응하다 (2000년 8월 2001월 1월)
He complied with the doctor's order to take a rest.
75) concentrate on: ~에 집중하다 (2001년 1월)
He concentrated on his reading so that he would understand the story.
76) contrary to: ~와 대조적으로
My sister's taste in dresses is contrary to my own.
77) contribute to: ~에 기여하다
Honesty and hard work contribute to success and to happiness.
78) cope with: ~에 대처하다
Computers will help government cope with workloads which are beginning to overwhelm some offices.
79) count on: ~를 의지하다
We count on your help.
80) deal with: 다루다 (2001 년 3월)
The courts deal with those who break the laws.
81) decrease in: ~이 감소하다
There has been a decrease in our sales.
82) demand for: ~을 요구하다
She demands for a bigger allowance.
83) depend on: 의지하다
The success of our picnic will depend partly on the weather.
84) deprive ~ of: 제거하다
The people deprived the cruel king of his power.
85) despite (in spite of) + 명사: ~에도 불구하고
The boys went for a walk despite the rain.
86) difference between: ~간의 차이
The only difference between the twins is that Katy weighs five pounds more than Rebecca.
87) dispense with: ~이 없이 지내다
I shall dispense with these crutches as soon as my leg heals.
88) divide into: ~을 나누다
Business organization can be divided into several different divisions.
89) do without: ~없이 지내다
A month after accepting the resignation of its corporate planning director, the company found that it will be extremely difficult to do without him.
90) do your best (utmost): 최선을 다하다
On behalf of the president, I am asking you to do your best in meeting the sales targets that we have all agreed on in this conference.
91) drag on: 질질 끌다
The events of the day drag themselves on tediously in such a country house.
92) due to: ~ 때문에 (2001 년 1월)
The game was called off due to rain.
93) emphasis on: ~을 강조하다
My high school puts much emphasis on studies that prepare its students for college.
94) expose to: ~에 노출되다
Soldiers in an open field are exposed to the enemy's fire.
95) familiarize ~ with: ~에 익숙하게 하다
Before playing the new game, familiarize yourself with the rules.
96) fill in: 빈칸을 채우다
When you apply for that job, you need to fill in the date of an application.
97) fill out: 양식을 작성하다
Please fill out the application form and send it.
98) for the time being (for the present): 당분간
The baby is asleep for the time being.
99) furnished with: ~을 갖추다
This apartment is furnished with fine furniture.
100) get along with: ~와 잘 지내다
The boss should get along with the employees.
101) get in touch with: ~와 연락하다
I will get in touch with you wherever I go.
102) get through: ~을 통과하다, 합격하다(1999년 2월)
He told the dealers that their advertising wasn't getting through.
103) give up (surrender, abandon): 포기하다
We gave up the search when it got dark.
104) hold out: 제공하다(1999년 1월)
Hopes were held out to him that his life would be spared'
105) in (with) regard to: ~에 관하여
The teacher wishes to speak to you with regard to being late.
106) in a row: 연속하여
There are three houses in a row.
107) in accordance with: ~에 따라서
What he did was in accordance with what he said.
108) in addition to: ~뿐만 아니라, ~ 외에도(2000년 2월)
In addition to her work in the school, our teacher gives music lessons after school hours.
109) in advance: 미리 (2000년 7월)
I paid for my ticket in advance.
110) in behalf of: ~을 위해서
He worked in behalf of his friend.
111) in charge of: ~을 담당하는, 책임지는
Mr. Smith is in charge of marketing department.
112) in comparison with: ~ 와 비교하여
Even a large lake is small in comparison with an ocean.
113) in conclusion: 결론적으로 (1999년 9월)
I will say, in conclusion, that it was an honor to be the speaker at this meeting.
114) in honor of: ~에게 존경을 표하다 (2001년 1월)
The dinner was held in honor of a colleague who was leaving.
115) in reference to: ~에 관하여
All living things must live in reference to their environments.
116) in response to: ~에 응하다
She laughed in response to his jokes.
117) in support of: ~을 지원하여
He spoke in support of the proposal.
118) in terms of: ~의 견지에서
The book is a big success in terms of the interest it aroused.
119) inflict on: ~에 고통을 가하다
A knife can inflict a bad wound on a person.
120) influence on: ~에 영향을 미치다 (2001 년1, 2 월)
On next week's edition of Europe in Business, John Peterson will host another discussion about the European economy's influence on world trade.
121) instead of: ~대신에 (2000년 11월)
She watched TV instead of studying for her final exam.
122) interfere with: 방해하다 (2000년 7월, 2001년 5 월)
Don't interfere with your brother when he's busy.
123) keep track of: 계산해 두다, 기억하고 있다(1999년 6월)
The noise made it difficult for me to keep track of what you said.
124) leave out: 빠뜨리다, 빼먹다 (omit)
She left out two words when she read the sentence.
125) make up for: ~를 보충하다(=compensate for) (2000년 2월)
He reserved direct flight from Los Angeles to Chicago to make up for lost time.
126) named ~ after: ~의 이름을 따서 짖다
The Hudson river is named after the English explorer Henry Hudson.
127) on (in) behalf of: ~를 대신하여, ~을 대신해서
The lawyer spoke convincingly on behalf of his client.
128) on account of: ~때문에 (because of)
The game was put off on account of rain.
129) on the waiting list: 대기자 명단에 (2000년)
He put his name on the waiting list.
130) out of order: 고장난
That air conditioner is out of order.
131) out of print: 절판된
This magazine is out of print.
132) participate in: 참가하다 (take part in)
They wanted more direct participation in the solution of steel production problems
133) place an emphasis on: ~에 역점을 두다 (2000년)
The president of the company placed a great emphasis on marketing campaign.
134) prior to: ~보다 앞서
An agreement was reached prior to the outbreak of the war.
135) put in for a transfer: 전근을 요청하다
He puts in for a transfer to the sales department.
136) put up with: 참다, 견디다 (2000년 5월)
Our clients will not put up with mediocre work, so you better prove that your products are truly world-class.
137) raised the question: 의문을 제기하다
The president raised the question concerning the upcoming merger.
138) refer to: ~에 대해 언급하다
Our librarian refers us to many good books.
139) regardless of: ~에 상관없이
The President should run regardless of the state of his health
140) remind A of B: A로 하여금 B가 생각나게 하다
This picture reminds me of a story I heard.
141) request for: ~을 요구하다
Your request for a ticket was made too late.
142) rule out: ~를 제외시키다
He did not rule out a possible camping trip this summer.
143) run (take) a risk of: ~에 위험을 무릅쓰다
In order to win the war we had to take the risk of offending neutral nations.
144) run out of: ~를 다 써버리다
Mother ran out of eggs and had to borrow some from our neighbor.
145) run short: ~이 부족하다
The hunter's supply of food ran short at the end of the long winter.
146) set out: 착수하다
They set out on the hike with plenty of water.
147) set up: 세우다, 설립하다 (establish)
He sold his business and set up a new one.
148) show off: 과시하다 (display)
Most girls like to show off fine clothes.
149) show up: 나타나다 (appear), 참석하다
The golfer showed up one hour late for his match.
150) sign up: ~에 등록하다
The new boy in school has signed up as a member of our club.
151) specialize in: ~을 전문으로 하다
Many students specialize in engineering.
152) stand by: 지지하다 (support)
I delivered a speech to stand by the government policy.
153) stand for: 나타내다 (represent)
What does the abbreviation "St." stand for?
154) stare at: ~을 응시하다 (look at, glance at)
He stared at the pictures for a while.
155) stop by: ~에 잠시 들르다
Mr. Smith stopped by his parents' house on the way home.
156) subscribe to: 구독하다
We subscribe to a few magazines.
157) substitute A for B: A대신 B로 대처하다
We substituted brown sugar for chocolate in these cook!es.
158) succeed in: ~에 성공하다 (2001년 1월)
Heinz finally succeed in getting herself elected as deputy mayor of Hamburg this year.
159) take ~ for granted: ~을 당연히 여기다
We take for granted the existence of atoms.
160) take advantage of: ~을 잘 이용하다 (1999년 8월)
Take advantage of your illness to catch up on your reading.
161) take into consideration: ~을 고려하다 (2000년 11월)
The judge took the boy's age into consideration.
162) take turns: 교대로 하다
They took turns watching the baby.
163) tend to: ~하는 경향이 있다
Farms tend to use more machinery now.
164) throughout the day: 하루종일 (2000년)
He worked hard throughout the day.
165) trial and error: 시행 착오
We can learn through trail and error.
167) turn in: 제출하다 (submit, hand in)
The general manager turned in finished proposal to the president.
168) under construction: 건설중인 (2001년 5월)
The factory is under construction.
169) under new management: 새로운 경영진 아래 (2001년 1월)
They launched new construction projects under new management.
170) with the exception of: ~을 제외하고
I like all my studies with the exception of economics.
171) work out: 운동을 하다, 결과가 나오다
I saw Barber work out in the gymnasium
출처 : Tong - 바울님의 외국어를 배워볼까통